Volcanic ash

London VAAC: Volcanic Ash Advisories and Graphics

Volcanic Ash EXERCISE 14th June 2024
Please be aware that London VAAC are conducting a volcanic ash exercise on 14th June 2024. Live products will be issued and marked with EXER or EXERCISE. The current eruption on Reykjanes Penninsula is considered stable and low-level, with no ash now expected. The exercise may be cancelled should any status in volcanic activity changes.
Last Updated:

Most recent messages

Volcano Issue time (UTC) VAA - Valid between
T+0 and T+18
VAG - Valid between
T+0 and T+18
ORAEFAJOKULL 374010 Advisory Graphic
ORAEFAJOKULL 374010 Advisory Graphic
ORAEFAJOKULL 374010 Advisory Graphic
REYKJANES 371020 Advisory Graphic
REYKJANES 371020 Advisory Graphic
REYKJANES 371020 Advisory Graphic
REYKJANES 371020 Advisory Graphic
SNAEFELLSJOKULL 370010 Advisory Graphic
SNAEFELLSJOKULL 370010 Advisory Graphic
SNAEFELLSJOKULL 370010 Advisory Graphic
KVERKFJOLL 373050 Advisory Graphic
KVERKFJOLL 373050 Advisory Graphic
REYKJANES 371020 Advisory Graphic
REYKJANES 371020 Advisory Graphic
FREMRINAMAR 373070 Advisory Graphic
REYKJANES 371020 Advisory Graphic
REYKJANES 371020 Advisory Graphic
KRAFLA 373080 Advisory Graphic
KRAFLA 373080 Advisory Graphic
KRAFLA 373080 Advisory Graphic
REYKJANES 371020 Advisory Graphic
REYKJANES 371020 Advisory Graphic
REYKJANES 371020 Advisory Graphic