The stations listed below have been identifed by users as containing erroneous data that has not been flagged by the QC routine. We will use these stations to test future updates and improvements to the QC routine to check if these data are now removed. Please continue to email us with any erroneous data you find, as this will help other users of the data and also allow us to improve our QC. 9 January 2013 205940-99999 2012-12-12 Erroneous minimum of -66C on 1995-01-08 702220-99999 2012-11-27 Erroneous maximum of 52C on 2000-06-30, bad patch in winter 2000/01 762253-99999 2012-12-12 Erroneous maximum of 53C on 1987-12-15 763993-99999 2012-12-12 Erroneous maximum of 54C on 1983-12-24 764230-99999 2012-12-12 Erroneous extreme high temperatures on 1973-12-22, 1973-12-27, 1974-01-28, 1974-11-26, 1974-11-28, 1973-01-04, 1975-11-16, 1975-12-25, 1975-12-26, 1975-12-27, 1975-12-31, 1989-02-03 and cold on 1975-11-28