Venice weather

Venice weather averages and climate information

Average daily max (°C)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
7.6 9.2 13.3 17.4 22.7 26.3 28.8 28.7 24.0 18.9 13.1 8.2 18.2
Average relative humidity (%)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
76 74 74 74 72 72 69 72 74 77 78 75 74
Average rainfall (mm)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
28 22 34 72 59 70 51 45 82 63 67 53 646
Average daily sunshine (hrs)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
3 3 5 6 7 8 10 9 7 5 3 3 6
Average wind speed (mph)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
4.1 4.7 5.6 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.1 5.9 5.9 5.3 5.0 4.8 5.5
Average total days of snow falling
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.8 3.5

When is the best time to visit Venice?

The best time to visit Venice is late spring or early autumn when temperatures range from 18 - 22 °C and whilst there is some rain, visiting in the shoulder seasons mean you can avoid the sweltering heat and busy crowd of summer.


Venice in March can still be a little chilly, with average temperatures of 13 °C and even a small possibility of snow.  April gets a little warmer but the likelihood of rain increases too, with an average monthly rainfall of 72 mm.

By late spring however, Venice offers 7 hours of daily sunshine, temperatures around 20 °C and much less rain.


If you are visiting Venice in the summer, then you can be assured of two things; hot temperatures and lots of tourists.

Venice in July offers around 10 hours of sunshine each day and an average temperature of 28 °C; making it the hottest month in Venice, as well as the least humid.

Despite the heat, Venice does not entirely escape summer rain, with an average of 70 mm in June, 51 mm in July and 45 mm in August.


If you are seeking comfortably warm weather, you might consider visiting Venice in the early autumn, when the city is a little quieter and the temperature averages around 24 °C.

The temperature in Venice in the autumn drops to 18 °C by October and down to 13 °C in November. Whilst September offers plenty of sunshine and warmth, it is likely to see the most rain of the autumn months too, with an average rainfall of 82 mm.

Showers in Venice are also expected in October and November, but usually not quite as frequent as in September.


The weather in Venice in the winter is cold, with lows of around 7 °C in January. There is a small chance of snow in Venice in December, but January sees an average of 1.2 days of snowfall throughout the month.

January to February remains cold but there is less chance of rain, with only 22 mm expected in February.

If you are visiting Venice in the winter months, you can expect around 3 hours of sunshine during the day.

Venice tourist information

Venice's gondolas, bridges, squares, cathedrals and Gothic architecture all help to form an image far-removed from other more conventional European destinations.

Venice is situated in northern Italy on a group of 118 islands, giving the city its distinctive nature. The Piave and Po rivers empty out into the famous Venetian Lagoon which then meanders through the canals of Venice; the Grand Canal is the main artery running through the centre of the city.

Gondolas transport tourists around the canal ways, and famous crossings like the Rialto Bridge and the Bridge of Sighs were built to aid a citizen's passage through the city's boroughs.

It is easy to see how powerful Venice was in the Middle Ages as an independent city state and it is clear that the locals - the 'Veneti' - have a proud heritage. Venice was once an important maritime trading post due to its access to the Adriatic. The city would play a central role in renaissance art and Venice has left an impressive legacy in the world of classical music due to citizens like Vivaldi.

Venice has been a worthy muse for many writers, artists and playwrights. Shakespeare wrote the 'Merchant of Venice' based in the city, and Thomas Mann was inspired by the intricate and atmospheric streets to write 'Death in Venice'. Film lovers and those concerned with more recent art forms will perhaps be aware of the city's character through films like Nicolas Roeg's 'Don't Look Now' which uses Venice's gloomy gothic leanings and narrow streets to create an intensely claustrophobic atmosphere.

Burano is a popular detour for those wishing to make a boat trip, but back in the city centre people are drawn to St Mark's Square and buildings such as the Palazzo Ducale which forms part of the square's perimeter. St Mark's Basilica is the undoubted centrepiece and a true European architectural treasure.