Fuengirola weather

Fuengirola weather averages and climate

Temperatures in Fuengirola peak at an average daily maximum of 31 °C during July and August with an average of 11 hours of sunshine a day providing plenty of time to enjoy the town's beaches.

Average daily max (°C)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
17.0 17.8 19.5 21.8 24.6 28.4 30.8 31.3 28.1 24.1 20.1 17.5 23.4
Average relative humdity (%)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
71 69 69 64 63 61 61 62 65 71 71 72 67
Average rainfall (mm)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
73 56 52 43 22 3 3 3 32 56 77 112
Average daily sunshine (hrs)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 9 7 6 5 8
Average wind speed (mph)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
9.3 8.9 8.2 8.2 7.7 7.7 7.6 7.3 7.0 6.8 8.4 9.2 8.1

When is the best time to visit Fuengirola?

If you are looking for warmth and sunshine then head to Fuengirola during July. With 14 hours of sunshine, you will have plenty of time to enjoy the area's famous beaches and golf courses.

For those wishing to enjoy a warm break away out of season, September and October remain warm with temperatures around 18 °C and limited chances of rain.


Spring sees temperatures steadily rising with the average temperature in April being around 16 °C with an average low of 11 °C and average high of 21 °C.

April sees an average of 10 hours sunshine per day. Sea temperature will still feel relatively cool at 17 °C, though they are warm enough for a quick dip.


Temperatures in Fuengirola peak at an average daily maximum of 31 °C during July and August with an average of 11 hours of sunshine a day providing plenty of time to enjoy the town's beaches.

Early July in Fuengirola brings warm temperatures, lots of sun, and next to no rain, with the daily average temperature being 24 °C.  You can expect around 14 hours of sunshine each making it the sunniest month in Fuengirola. 

Temperatures warm up slightly by the end of the month, with a daily average temperature of 25 °C.  Swimming and enjoying the sea becomes very popular during the summer, as water temperatures become comfortably warm.


The summer warmth drops only slighly as you move into autumn. Average temperature remain around 18 °C, with an average low of 14 °C, and an average high of 22 °C.

There is still lots of sun, a nominal amount of rain, and a daily average temperature of 20 °C

Temperatures start to drop towards the middle of the October to a daily average of 18 °C so an extra layer of clothing may be required in the evenings. The chance of rain is at its highest for the month, although still unlikely to affect your holiday plans greatly.

The end of October sees temperatures dropping slightly to 17 °C but there are still nine hours of daily sunshine, plenty enough time to enjoy the local surroundings.


December, January and February are still relatively warm in comparison to northern Europe.  The average temperature is 12 °C with average highs of 15 °C -16 °C and lows of 6 °C – 8 °C.

If you decide to head here during the winter months you will need to pack accordingly – temperatures can feel cooler than they are, and can be accompanied by heavy rainstorms – sometimes days at a time during November.  The area sees less sunshine during winter, with sunshine hours of around 6 hours for December and 7 hours a day during January and February.

Fuengirola tourist information

The town of Fuengirola is situated on the Costa del Sol in Andalucía along the southern coast of Spain and is home to around 76,000 people.

The town dates back to 200 BC through the Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman and Arabic times. Many remains and artefacts from these eras have been found. For much of its history, Fuengirola was involved in fishing, agriculture and trading with boats that moored in the port there. Since around the 1960s the town has developed and now relies on its tourism industry. The area has become popular with both the Spanish and the British due to the variety of activities on offer.

Festivals are popular in the area including the international fair "La Feria de los Pueblos" which gives visitors the chance to see around 50 different countries represented in one place. July and August see dance and music concerts taking place in the Castle of Sohail; an open-air venue that hosts well-known Spanish groups who dance and play music.

There is a variety of sport on offer in Fuengirola at the Campo Municipal Elola. This is a large sports centre with a football pitch which plays host to local games, a six-lane running track and long jump area. Handball and basketball are also played here, as is tennis. If watersports are more for you then why not give parasailing or diving a go.
Tourist attractions include the Fuengirola Zoo which is home to a range of mammals, birds and reptiles; the street market which is one of the largest along the coast; or you can cool off at the big Aquapark found on the outskirts of the town.