Great Whernside (North Yorkshire) weather

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Yorkshire & Humber weather forecast


Mostly dry, but often cloudy.


Often cloudy this morning, however some bright or sunny spells will gradually develop inland this afternoon. Mainly dry, just a small chance of an odd light coastal shower. Cooler and windy along the coast. Highest temperatures for southern areas. Maximum temperature 17 °C.


Sunny conditions spread south this evening, leaving a largely clear night with light winds. Becoming fairly chilly for the time of year, with perhaps some isolated mist or fog patches. Minimum temperature 4 °C.


Any early mist or fog will soon clear leaving long sunny periods, before cloudier conditions gradually spread southeast through the afternoon. Onshore sea-breezes will develop, keeping the coast slightly cooler. Maximum temperature 22 °C.

Outlook for Monday to Wednesday:

Monday mainly cloudy with outbreaks of rain, perhaps drier and brighter later. Tuesday windy with sunshine and showers. Wednesday often cloudy, isolated lighter showers. Becoming cooler through the week.


UK long range weather forecast

The first part of the period most likely characterised by showers sometimes blustery, occasionally heavy with thunderstorms, these most often across north-western areas but all areas likely to see some at times, though with a good deal of brighter spells around these, again more predominantly in the south. Temperatures rather cool or average. Into the new week increased potential for rain to spread from the west with fresh or strong winds and bands of rain possibly breaking up into areas of showers. Thereafter the outlook becomes more uncertain. The south of the UK will probably continue to be drier, although it's not possible to rule out scattered showers at times. Cooler and cloudier further northwest, where rain is more likely. Temperatures probably around normal.


There is a slight shift of the most favoured regime from more unsettled to settled conditions through this period, though by relatively small margins, this linked to a slight trend towards drier and warmer conditions especially in the south as the period progresses. On balance, it is probable that a continuation of variable, slow moving weather patterns are likely through much of June, with high pressure becoming more dominant from the west late on. Temperatures are most likely to be around or above normal.


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