Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets
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EN3 quality controlled ocean data: Download EN3_v2a

The EN3 dataset has now been discontinued and has been replaced by EN4.

EN3 data have been removed from this website to make room for newer versions. We advise using the latest version of EN4 instead of EN3. However, if you do want to obtain EN3 data please contact us and we will arrange to make the data available.


Most recent update

The most recent data to be added were for December 2013. No further updates will be made.


EN3_v2a is an update of previous versions of the EN3 dataset:
  • To pick up any changes in the source data, these have been re-downloaded from WOD05, GTSPP and Argo (either from Coriolis or USGODAE). Additional Arctic data compiled at NOCS as part of the ASBO project were also included. Please see the data sources page for more information about these.
  • Argo data are now rejected if they are included on the Argo grey list (obtained from the Coriolis ftp site, or if they are included in a list of suspect floats based on comparisons with altimeter data ( ; Guinehut et al. 2008).
  • Problems with observation times in previous versions (see, for example, the notes at the top of the EN3_v1c download page) have been fixed. However, please note that the ASBO dataset stores only the date of observation and not the hour/minute/second. Therefore, these observations have been given an observation time of midday UTC.
  • This dataset has not had any of the recently proposed time varying XBT bias corrections applied. Go to the Download EN3_v2a_NoCWT_WijffelsTable1XBTCorr page for some XBT bias corrected data.
There will be no further updates to this dataset.

How to download

Use the links on the left to download version 2a of the EN3 dataset a year at a time. Available for download are files containing profiles, files containing the objective analyses and files containing the multiplication factors needed to undo the cold water tapering that is performed when some XBT depth corrections were applied.

If you require the whole dataset one way to do this is to use wget. To do this download one of the files below (and edit it if not all files are required).

Assuming that you are in the directory into which the data are to be copied and that the downloaded file is also in that directory, the download can then be initiated by typing at the command line:
wget -i EN3_v2a_Profiles_download_list.txt
wget -i EN3_v2a_ObjectiveAnalyses_download_list.txt
wget -i EN3_v2a_CWTFactors_download_list.txt

Note: the above method was written for Linux systems but should also be applicable to other operating systems with wget installed.

Additional information

Other information that may be useful can be found below:


Guinehut, S., C. Coatanoan, A.-L. Dhomps, P.-Y. Le Traon and G. Larnicol, 2009. On the use of satellite altimeter data in Argo quality control, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26, 395-402, DOI: 10.1175/2008JTECHO648.1

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