Forecast-based early action

The project was led by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) with an objective to build evidence to support forecast-based early action.

Scoping phase

The initial scoping phase included a review of activities that constitute forecast-based early action and described the range of mechanisms, which can be used to prepare internationally, regionally, nationally, and/or at community level in advance of weather-related hazards. Working examples were identified of where early action is already being taken by a range of actors at local, national and regional levels and the evidence of the benefits and cost-effectiveness of such approaches will be reviewed. 

Design phase

Following the scoping phase, three focal studies proceeded through a process of co-production, which brought potential implementers of the early actions together with climate service providers to co-explore the services and processes needed to support forecast-based early action in that context. Once complete, focal studies informed the production of detailed concept notes setting out evidenced and costed proposals for taking early action to scale which can be implemented by (for example) NGOs, donors and/or governments, depending on context.

Key project documentation

Forecasting hazards, averting disasters. Implementing forecast-based early action at scale – Scoping Study, March 2018

You may also be interested in the following websites:

African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) 

Building Resilience & Adaptation to Climate Extremes & Disaster (BRACED)

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)

Future Climate for Africa (FCFA)