Uganda - Strengthening Weather and Climate Information Services

This aimed to support 198,000 farmers to reduce their vulnerability to climatic hazards.

The project was led by World Vision UK who worked in partnership with the Met Office, OPM-NECOC (Office of the Prime Minister - National Emergency Co-ordination and Operations Centre), World Vision Uganda, the Uganda National Meteorological Authority (UNMA) and WIMEA-ICT (Improving East Africa’s Weather Information Management through the application of suitable Information and Communications Technology, from Makerere University).

The targeted districts are characterised by persistent exposure to weather related shocks and a need for action-based forecasts delivered to end-users. These are, however, areas of high potential for agriculture production and productivity, and WISER support through this project will play a tangible role in reducing household poverty and aiding economic development. Using co-production, ACCRA will bring together producers of climate information and advisories, translate the forecasts and advisories into 22 local languages with community-based organisations to provide households with relevant forecasts across multiple timescales. These will be delivered through the establishment of new methods of communication and dissemination, training community ‘climate champions’ to broadcast forecasts over FM radios.

The project aimed to develop a model of multi-agency cooperation across Ugandan institutions responsible for the delivery of forecast information with a particular focus on strengthening collaborations with and between UNMA and the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM). It also supported improvements to the operational delivery of forecasts issued by UNMA through the rescue and digitization of historical archives of observations data. This improves the capacity of downscaled forecasts by enhancing the ability to conduct scientific verification of their accuracy, and will place current climate variability in its historical context.

Read project case studies and articles:

Uganda national project infographic - December 2020

Farmers and stakeholder receive timely and reliable seasonal weather forecast and advisories for planning and decision making - July 2020

Farmers utilizing seasonal weather forecast information - July 2020

Capacity building enhance dissemination and adoption of weather and climate information at community - July 2020

Using noticeboards to disseminate information - July 2020

Prolonged rainfall affects post-harvest handling - July 2020

Strengthening the capacity of agriculture in Rwanda to adapt to a variable and changing climate - June 2020

Translating forecasts into farming - March 2020

How are Ugandan farmers adapting to climate change? - January 2020

Use of weather and climate information for mitigating weather and climate disasters in Isingiro district

Use of Weather and Climate information for planning purposes and disaster preparedness in Buduba District 

Bamwenda: A case of improving smallholder famer adoption of climate smart agriculture 

You may also be interested in the following websites:

African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) 

Building Resilience & Adaptation to Climate Extremes & Disaster (BRACED)

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)

Future Climate for Africa (FCFA)