UKCP E-Learning

UKCP E-Learning

We have a freely available e-learning course to introduce you to the latest UK Climate Projections. At the end of the course, you’ll be able to better define your information needs, navigate and select the most appropriate products for your application as well as learn how to use the UKCP User Interface.

Please contact us here on the Met Office website and we’ll get you started, please put “UKCP e-learning registration” as the subject. Note that this can take up to 2 working days.

The course will take around 1-2 days, depending in how much detail you explore the supporting material. You can also dip in and out of the eight modules which covers material on getting started with climate change information, understanding uncertainty in UKCP through to putting theory into practice with a number of exercises.

The online training course has been developed as part of Defra’s UKCP Climate Service with contributions from Mott Macdonald, Environment Agency as well as Defra.