Alex Arnold
Responsible for maintaining and developing relocatable ocean models.
Areas of expertise
Shelf seas dynamical modelling;
Marine forecasting.
Current activities
Alex is part of the marine dynamics group, her role is to maintain, implement and develop the marine dynamics elements of the short-term forecast shelf seas model. In particular, Alex is responsible for the relocatable model which can be implemented in any region of the globe at short term notice, with or without tides. The validation of the relocatable model is carried out by Alex. Along with this, she is involved in helping to create new bathymetries for new model configurations and also validating the tides in the new configuration.
Currently, a new model configuration is being developed using the ocean models at the Met Office code, which is in the process of being modified in order to allow it to be used in modelling of shelf seas areas. Alex's work has focused on the surface boundary conditions and testing the new configuration.
Career background
Alex has worked in Ocean Forecasting R&D as a Shelf Seas Scientist since October 2007. Prior to working in the Met Office, she graduated from the University of Wales, Swansea with a PhD in Computational Fluid Dynamics. The University of Wales, Swansea was also where Alex studied for her BSc in Physics.