David Moore
David Moore works with instrument evaluation, development and suitability for deployment in the surface network. He is responsible for ozone measurements and support for ozonesonde launches at Lerwick.
Areas of expertise
- Instrument design and construction
- Instrument site layouts
- Managing an observatory including meteorological observing
- Instrument field trials
- Electronic design and construction
- Managing and working in R & D laboratory
- Dobson and Brewer spectrophotometers and ozonesondes
Current activities
Temperature and humidity monitoring techniques.
Humidity trials.
Career background
Nine years in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics laboratory. Numerical model programming, apparatus design and construction, experimentation and data analysis.
Five months at Porton Down electronics design and construction.
Five years at Met Office experimental site managing a Boundary Layer Laboratory, designing instrumentation and construction, electronic circuit design and construction, interfacing with instrumentation. Design and construction of aspirated air temperature thermometer subsequently patented and made under license by external company.
Eight years as superintendent Eskdalemuir Observatory. Since 1994 working with Dobson, Brewer Spectrophotometers, ozonesondes, various surface instrumentation including solar radiation instruments.
Currently working on instrument development specializing in temperature and humidity measurements.