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on the 12th with a gust to 76 mph at St Mary’s (Isle of Scilly) and 64.2 mm of rain fell at Shap (Cumbria); although most of England had a wet day the south-east remained dry, albeit rather cloudy. A er an unseasonably warm night, with a minimum of 18.1 °C at Ringmer Bishops Lane (East Sussex), the 13th


Business’. It is by the Austrian Bishop and thinker Albertus Magnus. Magnus died in 1280 and our volume of his work is an early copy circa 1290. Albertus Magnus, De Negotii Naturali circa 1290 Even without knowing the content it is a special document. It is not printed but is actually an illuminated


and an illuminated manuscript of the text De Negotii Naturali, which translates as ‘On Natural Business’. It is by the Austrian Bishop and thinker Albertus Magnus. Magnus died in 1280 and our volume of his work is an early copy circa 1290. Albertus Magnus, De Negotii Naturali circa 1290 Even without knowing


(University College London), Julio Araujo and Tiffany Chalmers (South South North). 18 | WEATHER AND CLIMATE INFORMATION AND SERVICES (WCIS) INTO USE FOR HEALTH: The Role of County Meteorological Directors in Kenya REFERENCES Bryson, J. M., Bishop-Williams, K. E., Berrang-Ford, L., Nunez, E. C., Lwasa, S

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