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Arcus cloud

Arcus clouds are low-level, wide ranging clouds typically associated with powerful storm clouds and thunderstorms.

Height of base:  Up to 6500 ft. Shape: Wedge shaped, or a long rolling horizontal column. Latin:  Arcus = Arch. Precipitation: None directly, but heavy showers in the vicinity from cumulonimbus clouds. What are arcus clouds? Arcus clouds are spectacular low-level, long and thin clouds associated


Kelvin-Helmholtz cloud

An extremely rare phenomenon, where a cloud produces a billowing wave pattern. They occur when there is a strong vertical shear between two air streams, causing winds to blow faster at the upper level than at the lower levels.

Height of base:  Can be any height, but usually at higher levels. Shape: A repeating breaking wave pattern. Latin:  These clouds are named after Hermann von Helmholtz and William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, physicists who studied turbulent airflow. There is no Latin etymology. Precipitation:  None. What

Make a cloud in a glass

Make a cloud in a glass with our experiment.

the inside carefully. You should see a 'cloud' form near the top of the glass. In the real world, clouds form when warm, moist air, like that in your glass, is cooled (your ice). When it is cooled it condenses into tiny water droplets, which appear as clouds.


Cloud names and classifications

The classification of clouds into types was first proposed by Luke Howard in 1802 and we largely use the same system today. This splits clouds into three main types - stratus, cumulus and cirrus.

Clouds are continually changing and appear in an infinite variety of forms. The classification of clouds is based on a book written by Luke Howard, a London pharmacist and amateur meteorologist, in 1803. His book, The Modifications of Clouds, named the various cloud structures he had studied


sunny intervals, but scattered showers affected some southern and central areas in the a ernoon. The 14th was mostly dry, sunny and very warm in the south and east but cloudier with some rain in the north, with isolated heavy thundery bursts, and cloud and rain became more widespread on the 15th. A er


the monsoon season. Flooding in the Banke-Bardiya districts in the Terai – heavy rain and cloud burst events. High intra-seasonal variability during the monsoon season. Heavy rain caused massive landslides from the hillside in Jure in Nepal's Central Region on 2 Aug 2014. Heavy rain continued between 14


What to do if you have a frozen or burst pipe

Sometimes pipes freezing and thawing can cause them to burst. Find out what to do to get up and running again.

if you have a burst pipe Sometimes pipes freezing and thawing can cause them to burst. If this happens: Turn off the water supply coming into your property at the stop tap and switch off your boiler. Open all your taps to drain the system as quickly as possible, saving some water in a bucket


What are clouds? Overview What are clouds? How do they form? In this activity you’ll learn the answers to these questions and find out how to identify clouds. You’ll then get the opportunity to make your own cloud spotting binoculars, and watch the clouds go by, by going outside or looking out

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