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background levels and with the more polluted air arising from Europe. The observation network in the UK has been expanded to include three additional stations; Angus Tower near Dundee, Tacolneston near Norwich and Ridge Hill near Hereford. Ridge Hill became operational in February 2012, Tacolneston


expanded to include three additional stations; Angus Tower near Dundee, Tacolneston near Norwich and Ridge Hill near Hereford. Ridge Hill became operational in February 2012, Tacolneston began operating in July 2012 and Angus Tower has been making measurements since late 2005. The Met Office’s Lagrangian


with both the mid-latitude Northern Hemisphere background levels and with the more polluted air arising from Europe. The observation network in the UK has been expanded to include three additional stations; Angus near Dundee, Tacolneston near Norwich and Ridge Hill near Hereford. Ridge Hill became


; Tacolneston near Norwich; and Ridge Hill near Hereford. Ridge Hill became operational in February 2012, Tacolneston in July 2012 and Angus Tower began operating for the network in May 2013. The expanded network makes it possible to resolve emissions on a higher resolution across the UK, to Devolved


tall tower stations: Ridge Hill near Hereford; Tacolneston near Norwich; and 3 Angus near Dundee. Ridge Hill became operational in February 2012, Tacolneston in July 2012 and Angus began operating for the network in May 2013. The expanded network makes it possible to resolve emissions on a higher

Microsoft Word - AR18_Report_05Nov18.docx

. To this aim, the UK has developed a network of observation stations called the UK Deriving Emissions related to Climate Change (DECC) network. Along with MHD, it consists of three tall 5 tower stations: Ridge Hill (RGL) near Hereford; Tacolneston (TAC) near Norwich; Bilsdale (BSD) in North Yorkshire


Norwich and Ridge Hill near Hereford. Ridge Hill became operational in February 2012, Tacolneston began operating in July 2012 and Angus Tower has been making measurements since late 2005. The Met Office’s Lagrangian atmospheric dispersion model, NAME (Numerical Atmospheric dispersion Modelling

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