How our data supports the maintenance and operation of road networks in the UK

Senior Account Manager for Transport


The next time you travel along a motorway, you will probably be thinking about your destination, where to stop for a break and what time you will arrive. You are probably less likely to give any thought to how the miles of road and thousands of pieces of road furniture that you pass, are kept safe, secure and ready for use. 

What is the Strategic Road Network (SRN)?

In England, the Strategic Road Network (SRN) is the responsibility of National Highways. They operate, maintain and improve 4,000 miles of motorways, major A roads, associated bridges and tunnels. This infrastructure is exposed to all weathers and to the rigors of constant traffic. National Highways traffic officers patrol the SRN, removing debris and assisting the public. 

An effective collaboration with National Highways

The Met Office has a long-standing partnership with National Highways to provide weather advice year-round to the SRN. Our advice helps National Highways plan staffing, maintenance, repairs and allows them to provide a safe and well-maintained road network. Our collaboration first began ten years ago, when we decided to work side by side from the same location. This proved to be an excellent opportunity for us to oversee every aspect of the National Highways operation, including:

  • How it varied in the lead up to a weather event.
  • How traffic levels and type of vehicle vary.
  • How the network differs in exposure and climate across England.
  • How essential the SRN is to UK PLC.

This increased level of understanding, continually developed by working together 24/7, has enabled us to develop tailored services. Services we deliver to the relevant National Highways teams at the appropriate times, ahead of the weather occurring.

The benefits of bespoke forecasting and embedded forecasters

When there is so much weather information publicly available you may ask why a bespoke service is needed. Firstly, being on hand year-round to answer any questions or walk through a potential event is critical to the service. Secondly, the area and impacts that we forecast for is bespoke to the SRN with its users.

“Safety is at the heart of everything we do at National Highways. The comprehensive data provided by our new forecasters gives our teams the confidence they need to ensure that the effects of severe weather on the strategic road network and our customers are mitigated as far as practicable. The weather forecasts supplied under these contracts provide a robust resource of weather information for our National Traffic Operations Centre and our Asset Delivery area teams." - James Cross, Weather Forecasting Manager at National Highways

This type of partnership and associated sharing of information provides an improved service. National Highways has an extensive live view and knowledge of the SRN so, by using this information, we can further adapt our services. For example, learning what impact extreme heat has on the roads means we can include this in their forecasts. What is more, we can use National Highways feedback to assess the accuracy of a forecasted event. 

For seven months of the year, we have a team of Forecasters that sit alongside National Highways staff at the National Traffic Operations Centre. They provide the latest weather and impact advice for the SRN, which in turn uses it to prepare National Highways staff for the weather ahead. For the remaining five months of the year, we continue to provide advice from our HQ in Exeter. Even in summer, weather such as sudden downpours or extreme heat can impact the SRN and its users. 

Our services to National Highways have been developed over time and will continue to develop, thanks to the benefit of a fantastic working partnership. Colleagues across both organisations work as one team to give the best possible year-round service to keep the SRN open and safe.


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