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  1. What is a GAMET?
  2. Why have you replaced AIRMETs?
  3. What forecast information is contained in a GAMET?
  4. Which areas are GAMETs provided for?
  5. When are GAMETs issued?
  6. Are GAMETs amendable?
  7. How can I view these forecasts?
  8. Where can I find more details?


1. What is a GAMET?

A GAMET (General Aviation METeorological forecast) is an abbreviated plain text forecast designed for low level general aviation users who operate over the UK. These users include fixed wing & rotary aviators, business jets, balloonists, glider pilots and aviation hobbyists. GAMETs have replaced AIRMETs following a review undertaken by the Met Office and the Civil Aviation Authority.

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2. Why have you replaced AIRMETs?

There are a number of benefits associated with replacing AIRMETs with GAMETs:

  • Modernised low level text forecast, which is more straightforward to follow and interpret.
  • Harmonised forecast areas and issue times with other products to ensure aviation forecast products are consistent. (For example, the issue and validity times of GAMETs are now the same as the F215, and the GAMET areas are now the same as the ballooning forecasts.)
  • Closer alignment with ICAO and EU MET briefing requirements for low level aviation.

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3. What forecast information is contained in a GAMET?

The content of GAMETs are split into the following sections:

  • Met situation: a summary of the forecast conditions valid for a defined time.
  • Strong wind warnings: any warnings of wind with either a mean speed of at least 15KT or gusts of at least 28KT in the area covered by the forecast.
  • Freezing level: a summary of the freezing level in the area and any localised deviations.
  • Weather conditions: summary of forecast visibility, cloud, weather and warnings information split in up to 3 zones.
  • Wind and temperatures: spot values at 1000, 3000 & 6000ft for selected locations.
  • Regional outlook: area outlook forecast for 6 hours following the end of the validity period.
  • UK extended outlook: UK outlook forecast for 24 hours following the end of the Regional outlook forecast.

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4. Which areas are GAMETs provided for?

GAMET South East: area to the east of Southampton-Oxford-Northampton-The Wash
GAMET South West: area to the east of Southampton-Oxford-Leamington Spa-Llanbedr
GAMET Central: north of area covered by South East and South West areas up to a line from Carlisle to Berwick
GAMET North: north of area covered by Central area including Northern Ireland
Map of UK with GAMET area coverage

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5. When are GAMETs issued?

Details of GAMET issue times and validity periods are shown below:

Regional area/forecast Update time Validity period Met situation validity time Regional outlook period Spot wind validity UK outlook period
Standard for all GAMETs (North, Central, South West and South East) 0400 08-17 1200 18-00 09,12,15 00-24
1000 14-23 1800 00-06 15,18,21 06-06
1600 20-05 0000 06-12 21,24,03 12-12
2200 02-11 0600 12-18 03,06,09 18-18

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6. Are GAMETs amendable?

Yes, the Met Office maintains a constant review of the GAMETs and will issue amendments based upon specific criteria defined by the CAA for wind, surface visibility, weather types, cloud amount & base, temperature, turbulence, freezing level and airframe icing.

7. How can I view these forecasts?

GAMETs are available from the Met Office’s Aviation Briefing Serviceas a printable PDF. An alphanumeric version will also be issued on the AFTN/AMHS network to NATS Data Services, so will be available via 3rd party flight planning systems and anyone with an AFTM/AMHS terminal.

1 The Aviation Briefing services provide free access to UK aviation forecasts products and observation data for pre-flight briefing purposes. This web portal is provided on behalf of the CAA. Details are available on the Aviation Briefing Service webpages.  

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8. Where can I find more details?

Visit the Met Office Regulated Aviation webpages for more information and a GAMET example.

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