PRECIS: a regional climate modelling system
Providing REgional Climates for Impacts Studies
As of January 2020, the PRECIS team are no longer taking on new PRECIS users, nor able to provide technical support to existing PRECIS users. We are taking this time to regroup and redevelop what our training and modelling capabilities can offer.
Please refer to the PRECIS user forum for solutions to common technical problems.
The latest version of PRECIS (PRECIS 2.0) was released in 2016. Updates included faster model executable and new driving GCMs (including the first of a series of CMIP5 global models, and three members of the 20th Century Reanalysis version 2c).
PRECIS Support
PRECIS User Forum
Our dedicated PRECIS forum allows users to discuss problems and solutions encountered during PRECIS setup, model runs and post processing. The forum is no longer monitored by the Met Office PRECIS team. If you are experiencing challenges with PRECIS please take a moment to search the forum, as the solution may be discussed there.