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Hurricane Katrina

At least 1,500 people were killed and around $300 billion worth of damage was caused when Hurricane Katrina hit the south-eastern part of the USA. Arriving in late August 2005 with winds of up to 127 mph, the storm caused widespre

Physical impacts of Hurricane Katrina Flooding Hurricanes can cause the sea level around them to rise, this effect is called a storm surge. This is often the most dangerous characteristic of a hurricane, and causes the most hurricane-related deaths. It is especially dangerous in low-lying areas


Hurricane Sandy

New York City is no stranger to the effects of tropical storms and hurricanes. In fact, being located on something of a meteorological crossroads, lying in the zone where cold, Canadian Arctic air masses meet the warm Gulf Stream current, the Big Apple is in the firing line for both extreme winter

Ex-Hurricane Ophelia

16 October - 17 October 2017 - Ex-Hurricane Ophelia impacted the British Isles bringing gusts of up to 90 mph.

Ex-hurricane Ophelia (named by the US National Hurricane Center) was the second storm of the 2017/2018 winter season, following Storm Aileen on 12 to 13 September. The strongest winds were around Irish Sea coasts, particularly west Wales, with gusts of 70 to 80 mph or higher in exposed coastal


Ex-Hurricane Ophelia

feature will be the arrival of Ex-Ophelia along the western seaboard of Ireland on Monday. Although this ex-hurricane will bring impactful weather to many northern and western parts of the UK, the forecast for other areas – such as South East England – is good with warm and mainly dry conditions likely


Will Hurricane Lorenzo affect the UK?

Lorenzo will arrive in the UK and Ireland as an ex-hurricane later this week, bringing very strong winds and heavy rain to western areas of the UK.

Currently to the southwest of the Azores, Lorenzo is the strongest hurricane to have been recorded so far east in the Atlantic. Lorenzo is expected to maintain Category 2 (105mph) winds as it passes close to the Azores today and Wednesday, before transitioning into a deep low pressure system


Ex-hurricane Ophelia impacts the UK

Ex-Hurricane Ophelia will bring stormy conditions to western parts of the UK today (Monday 16 October).

Although this ex-hurricane will bring impactful weather to many northern and western parts of the UK, the forecast for other areas – such as South East England – is for warm and mainly dry conditions to dominate. Met Office Chief Forecaster Paul Gundersen said: “Ophelia weakened on Sunday night


Ex-hurricane Bertha From Sunday 10 to Monday 11 August 2014, the UK experienced some unseasonably windy and very wet weather from the remnants of ex-hurricane Bertha. Some locations in north-east Scotland received double the August long-term average rainfall, resulting in significant flooding


Hurricane Igor hits Bermuda (20 September 2010)

A Met Office forecaster was working on secondment in Bermuda during hurricane Igor. Some thoughts were gathered from somebody who experienced it in person.

What is a hurricane? A hurricane is a storm system which has a large low pressure centre. They produce heavy rain and have strong winds. To be classed as a hurricane the mean (as opposed to gust speeds) wind speeds must be in excess of 74mph. The table below shows the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale


Ex-hurricane Ophelia passes after 90mph winds

Ex-Hurricane Ophelia has moved out over the North Sea after bringing gusts of over 90mph to parts of the UK.

will be at high altitude and are not expected to bring air quality issues at ground level, the smoke particles alone are not expected to turn the sky red to such an extent as yesterday. Hurricane Ophelia developed to the southwest of the Azores and had reached Category 3 status over the weekend


Ex-Hurricane Ophelia 16 October 2017 On 16 October 2017 ex-hurricane Ophelia brought very strong winds to western parts of the UK and Ireland. This date fell on the exact 30th anniversary of the Great Storm of 16 October 1987. Ex-hurricane Ophelia (named by the US National Hurricane Center

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