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Surface pressure charts

Pressure levels and weather fronts

An actual analysis chart is issued along with forecast charts out to five days ahead. These are updated every 12 hours around 0730 and 1930, with the exception of charts for days four and five which are only issued once per day at 0730.

Surface Pressure Charts

warnings UK Storm Centre Seasonal advice Maps & charts Maps & charts UK forecast UK weather map Cloud cover map Precipitation map Lightning map Rainfall map Temperature map Wind map Wind gust map Surface pressure charts All countries Climate Climate Climate explained What is climate change? Causes

Surface pressure charts data tutorial

Basic tutorials showing how the surface pressure charts data feed can be used to retrieve data.

Please refer to the Surface pressure charts detailed documentation for the surface pressure chart synoptic analysis and forecast data feeds for more detailed information. Introduction The surface pressure chart synoptic analysis and forecast data feeds provide access to the current surface pressure

Surface pressure charts detailed documentation

Detailed documentation for surface pressure charts.

Surface pressure chart capabilities feed Description of data feed The surface pressure chart synoptic analysis and forecast capabilities data feed provides information on when the current surface pressure chart were issued, and also lists the timesteps for which surface pressure are available

Aviation Briefing Service

) charts - 00UTC model run, out to T+84 ✔ ✔ Synoptic (surface pressure) charts - 12UTC model run, out to T+120   ✔ Low Level Briefing Charts - Forms F215, F214, F414, F415 ✔ ✔ High level significant weather charts (WAFC)   ✔ Flight level wind and temperature charts   ✔ UK and near Europe TAF and METAR

DataPoint tutorials

Surface pressure chart data tutorial UK hourly site-specific observations tutorial Forecast and observation layer tutorials Marine observation tutorial Mountain weather forecast tutorial National and regional text forecast tutorial UK 3-hourly site-specific forecast tutorial UK daily site-specific forecast tutorial Regional extremes observations  tutorial

Direct Line

pressure charts, low level significant and spot PNG charts, and wind and temperature PNG charts. Volcanic Ash advisory and graphic. For more information, contact us at [email protected]   

Mountain weather forecasts

Temperature at valley and 900m levels (800m Brecon Beacons) Freezing level The latest pressure chart A 'National Park Authority (NPA) information' freeform text box containing information added by the NPA; this content is optional for the NPA and therefore will not always be present.

DataPoint products

products: site specific data map overlays charts UK hourly site-specific observations Hourly observations for the last 24 hours Lightning strikes map layer Image showing lightning strike frequency provided as a map overlay Surface pressure charts Pressure levels and weather fronts

Most Tornadoes in one Day 23 November 1981

Monday 23 November 1981 (Most Tornadoes in one day in the UK) Weather chart for 1200 UTC 23 November 1981 General summary A strong cold front associated with a rapidly deepening area of low pressure centred just north of Scotland began to cross the UK from west to east during the morning and early

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