Co-production: effective approaches for service development
Researching, defining and developing effective approaches to co-production for the development of weather and climate services.
Demonstrating cost-effective approaches carried out within WISER.
Farmer persona - Feburary 2021
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0305
Fisherman persona - Feburary 2021
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0304
Journalist persona - Feburary 2021
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0303
Second edition of co-production manual - October 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0268
DARAJA study: Co-designing Weather and Climate Information Services - November 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0265
E Co. Lunch breaks: BBC Media Action – Building climate resilience through local communication - October 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0259
Addressing power imbalances in co-production - August 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0252
Climate Services to Revitalize the Water Sector in Kenya - April 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0241
Co-production: Finding your role in climate services - April 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0240
Change for trade: Climate services for a transforming Grain Sector - April 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0239
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0238
The power of partnership - June 20
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0223
Co-production policy brief - May 20
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0216
Co-production booklet - French - April 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0215
Co-production booklet - English - April 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0214
Residents of East Africa's informal settlements can now access better climate information - February 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0207
Stakeholder engagement climate forum report - February 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0206
Translating forecasts into farming - March 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0200
Putting co-production into practice - the value of cross-learning - March 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0198
Co-production for the benefit of all - witnessing real progress in East Africa - March 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0196
W2SIP ICPAC/NECJOGHA Climate Communications Workshop GHACOF51, Entebbe - March 2020
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0172
Building bridges in East Africa - December 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0168
Bringing cutting edge digital climate services to Rwanda’s farmers - December 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0166
Rose Lusweti case study video - November 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0160
Putting principles into practice in the co-production of weather and climate services - October 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0154
Creating a shared platform for forecasters, community, media and city governments - April 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0140
Helping national forecasters gain critical insights - April 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0139
Effective climate services involve more than meteorologists – to reach their full potential - September 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0137
News item: NOW LIVE: A Manual for co-production in African weather and climate services - September 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0136
News item: New manual on co-producing African weather and climate services - September 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0135
Co-production manual - September 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0134
Ten principles of co-production - September 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0133
Co-production poster - September 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0132
Implementing an inclusive climate services project - September 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0131
Implementing an inclusive national framework for climate services - September 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0130
Co-production webinar - September 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0128
Co-production webinar questions and answers - September 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0127
Co-production webinar presentation - September 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0126
Three WISER projects transform Tanzania weather and climate landscape - July 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0125
Use of weather and climate information for mitigating weather and climate disasters in Isingiro district - July 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0122
Co-production webinar news stories - PreventionWeb and CDKN - July 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0117 and WISER0118
Co-production webinar - June 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0112
Co-production webinar questions and answers - June 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0110
Co-production webinar presentation - June 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0109
Tanzania Meteorological Agency successfully scales delivery of improved weather forecast - March 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0101
Case study from the MHEWS Tanzania project
Forging a common understanding: Q&A with Vera Bukachi - March 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0102
Blog post from the DARAJA project
Same weather, different needs – the importance of user engagement - March 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0097
A case study on the use of user engagement within the WISER programme.
Climate services go local in Western Kenya - March 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0096
An impact story from the WISER Western project.
Weather Wise Sound Cloud - March 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0095
Radio programmes developed with support from the Weather Wise project
What can climate services learn from theory and practice of co-production? - March 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0092
Research paper from the WISER programme
Defining and Looking Beyond Weather and Climate Information Services (WCIS) for residents of informal settlements - January 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0093
Blog post from the DARAJA project
Climate and weather information needs of climate audiences - January 2019
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0089
Formative research from the Weather Wise project
Collation of monthly County Director of Meteorology reports - template - December 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0087
A monthly report template developed as part of the WISER Western project.
County Director of Meteorology monthly report - template - December 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0086
A monthly report template developed as part of the WISER Western project.
Sample daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal forecasts - December 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0084
Sample forecasts developed as part of the WISER Western project.
CCDA-VII event notes - October 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0083
Notes from the WISER event on co-production at the Climate Change and Development in Africa conference.
Updated project summary - Enhancing National Climate Services (ENACTS) - August 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0074
Summary of the work of this WISER project.
Updated project summary - Decentralised climate information services for decision-making in Western Kenya - August 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0073
Summary of the work of this WISER project.
Building trust between users and producers makes for better climate services - July 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0069
A blog post has been written by Suzanne Carter of SouthSouthNorth on co-production, including how the TRANSFORM project is distilling lessons learnt within WISER as phase two of the programme gets underway.
Initial WISER TRANSFORM Stakeholder Consultative Workshop - June 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0068
Understanding the weather information needs of fishermen on Lake Victoria - June 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0061
A blog post has been written by Met Office International Development Manager Becky Venton about user engagement work as part of the HIGHWAY project.
MHEWS: the right message, at the right time - April 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0067
An impact story from the MHEWS Tanzania project highlighting the importance of getting the message right for the users of weather information.
A brighter forecast for food security - April 2018 (updated August 2019)
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0066
An impact story from the SCIPEA project.
A WISER way to communicate - April 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0062
Impact story on the work of the WISER Western project with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in order to communicate forecasts effectively
Supporting the delivery of an early warning system through co-production and user engagement - April 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0058
A blog post has been written by Met Office International Development Manager Becky Venton about the use of co-production and user engagement by the MHEWS Tanzania project.
Forecasting hazards, averting disasters. Implementing forecast-based early action at scale - March 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0057
Scoping study for the WISER forcast-based early action project, written by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI).
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0075
Report by Robert Powell
Report on the AMDAR Kenya Knowledge Sharing Consultation Workshops - January 2018
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0060
Guidance on equitable and inclusive co-production for weather and climate services - September 2017
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0041
Project summary - Enhancing National Climate Services (ENACTS) - September 2017
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0037
Summary of phase one of this WISER project.
Project summary - Multi-hazard early warning services for Tanzania (MHEWS Tanzania) - July 2017
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0036
Summary of phase one of this WISER project.
Co-production of prototype climate services - July 2017
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0034
This guide was produced as part of the SCIPEA project and includes case study examples.
Climate services and participatory scenario planning (PSP) knowledge exchange, Kenya and Ethiopia - June 2017
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0038
This blog has been written by CARE International on a Climate Services and Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP) Knowledge Exchange, Kenya & Ethiopia. Reports are also available on Impact assessments on climate information services for community-based adaptation to climate change for Ethiopia and Kenya.
Project summary - Strengthening Climate Information Partnerships - East Africa (SCIPEA) - June 2017
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0033
Summary of phase one of this WISER project.
Project summary - Decentralised climate information services for decision-making in Western Kenya - June 2017
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0031
Summary of phase one of this WISER project.
Project summary - Institute of Meteorological Training and Research (IMTR) training modernisation - June 2017
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0028
Final project summary.
Developing a County Climate Information Services Plan - May 2017
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0029
This guide details the development of a County Climate Information Services Plan (CCISP), from understanding why a CCISP is important to implementing a plan. A series of annexes also provide templates including baseline surveys and a reporting template.
Service development meeting notes - Kenya Red Cross - December 2016
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0025
SCIPEA Kenya Consortium Service Development Team meeting between Kenya Red Cross Society, Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) Institute of Meteorological Training and Research (IMTR) and the Met Office, November/December 2016.
Service development meeting notes - KenGen - December 2016
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0026
SCIPEA Kenya Consortium Service Development Team meeting between KenGen, Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) Institute of Meteorological Training and Research (IMTR) and the Met Office, November 2016.
WISER partnerships bring new opportunities for national climate services in East Africa - December 2016
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0019
The Rwanda Meteorology Agency (Meteo Rwanda) is using the ENACTS approach to overcome data challenges. You can read more about how in this case study.
Introduction to climatology review - presentation - November 2016
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0015
This presentation reviews the November 2016 pilot of the Basic Instruction Package for Meteorologists (BIP-M) climatology training course.
Western Kenya forecasts - November 2016
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0009
A guide to the proposal for forecasts as detailed in the reports below.
Proposals for a weather forecasts for Western Kenya - November 2016
A series of proposals regarding the development of forecasts as part of the decentralised climate information services project in Western Kenya. Briefing documents and full reports on these proposals can be found by clicking on the links below.
Daily weather forecast - briefing note - WISER knowledge reference number WISER0003
Daily weather forecast - full report - WISER knowledge reference number WISER0004
Daily weather forecast for Kenyan fishermen on Lake Victoria - briefing note - WISER knowledge reference number WISER0005
Daily weather forecast for Kenyan fishermen on Lake Victoria - full report - WISER knowledge reference number WISER0006
Daily weather forecast for small scale farmers in Western Kenya - briefing note - WISER knowledge reference number WISER0007
Daily weather forecast for small scale farmers in Western Kenya - full report - WISER knowledge reference number WISER0008
Climate service and communication on disaster risk reduction - presentation - November 2016
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0014
View the presentation produced by delegates on the pilot Basic Instruction Package for Meteorologists (BIP-M) climatology training course at the Institute of Meteorological Training and Research (IMTR) in Kenya.
Increasing engagement and progress using blended learning techniques - November 2016
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0013
Met Office Senior Climate Science Training Consultant, Rebecca Griffiths, has written a blog about her experiences delivering an introduction to climatology course as part of a WISER project with the IMTR in Kenya. Read this blog post to find out more.
Extension of geographical area covered by Western Kenya project - briefing note - November 2016
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0010
An assessment of communication channels for forecasts identified the need to extend the geographical area covered by the Western Kenya project. This briefing note provides details of the extension and the rationale behind it.
Climate information service co-development through user engagement - August 2016
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0012
A series of user engagement workshops took place as part of the SCIPEA project before & during the 44th Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook Forum (GHACOF44). For details of the workshops and the next steps for the SCIPEA project, read this blog post.
Getting wise to an unpredictable climate - August 2016
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0032
"Rising temperatures, changing rainfall and prolonged drought, are increasing the vulnerability of people in Africa. Many livelihoods hang in the balance. But, with a new, large-scale project, the Met Office is helping change the outlook for some of the world's most vulnerable communities." Read the article in our online magazine, Barometer.
Early warning of weather hazards can save lives and livelihoods - June 2016
WISER knowledge reference number WISER0001
Met Office Regional International Development Manager for Africa, Kathrin Hall, blogged in June 2016 about a workshop held as part of the MHEWS Tanzania project. Stakeholder engagement was at the heart of the Severe Weather Events - Effective Planning (SWEEP) workshop. Read this blog post to find out more.
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African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC)
Building Resilience & Adaptation to Climate Extremes & Disaster (BRACED)