Orlando weather

Orlando weather averages and climate

Average daily max (°C)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
21.9 23.1 25.8 28.3 31.3 32.6 33.2


33.0 31.9 29.1 25.5 25.5
Average RH (%)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Year
74 73 71 69 71 78 79 81 81 78 77 76
Average total rainfall (mm)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
58 77 81 46 90 186 184 172 153 61 58 55 1175
Average daily sunshine (hrs)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
6.0 6.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 7
Average wind speed (mph)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
7.7 8.1 8.6 8.3 7.8 6.7 5.8 6.0 6.8 7.4 7.6 7.7 7.4

When is the best time to visit Orlando?

The best time to visit Orlando is between March and May when temperatures are comfortably warm in the mid to high 20s and most importantly it avoids the rainy and hurricane seasons.


The temperature in Orlando in spring starts around 22 °C and rises to 27 °C by May. Humidity levels are at their lowest during the spring months but still stand at an average of around 71% between March and May.

If you choose to visit Orlando in April and May you will be able to enjoy an average of 9 hours of sunshine during the day and a relatively dry month with around 46 mm typical.


Orlando experiences its wet season during the summer months, with as much as 172 mm of rainfall anticipated for August. Humidity levels are at their highest then too, and stay at around 80% even into September when there is also a greater risk of hurricanes.

The temperature in Orlando will reach its peak in July with averages of 33 °C expected. Visitors to Orlando in the summer can enjoy around 8 hours of daily sunshine from June through to August. Heavy downfalls of rain in the summer months are usually followed by hot sunshine.


The temperature in Orlando in the autumn is still around 30 °C but this falls to around 29 °C by November, when the humidity levels also drop, and the wet season comes to an end.

Visitors can expect around 153 mm of rain during September but this will decrease to an average of 61 mm in October and 50 mm in November. There is a greater risk of hurricanes in September and October.


Winter in Orlando is cooler and drier, but even so, the average temperature does not drop below 20°C and the anticipated rainfall is till 55mm in December. Whilst the daily hours of sunshine reduce to around 6 hours per day on average, Orlando in the winter makes a great winter sun holiday for those seeking sunshine and pleasant weather.

When is rainy season in Florida?

In the US state of Florida there is a rainy season lasting from May to October where brief, but intense showers fall almost every day. This rainfall will usually occur in the mid to late afternoon with high temperatures and sunny skies usually existing over the remainder of the day.

When is hurricane season in Florida?

The Atlantic hurricane season occurs between the start of June and the end of November. The highest risk of hurricanes is between September and October, as they become more frequent due to sea temperatures being at their hottest. Though the risk of hurricanes directly striking a particular location is small it is worth being aware and keeping an eye on weather forecasts throughout your stay.

Orlando tourist information

Orlando can experience extreme weather conditions with significant hurricane risk between June to November, and very high humid conditions through from July to October. It is situated within a region called lightning alley where there are frequent thunderstorm occurrence.

The origins of the city's name are disputed; one story goes that a brave cattle rancher, Orlando Savage Rees, who sought to take back his livestock from thieves and left his name on a marker during a long trek. Another tale tells of a soldier of a similar name whose grave was placed there during a war between the natives of the area and an invading US Army. The two myths have become intertwined along the way.

When the 'Florida Project' was announced by Disney chiefs during the 1960s, local authorities saw the potential for mass property development and the fame and fortune they would receive from building what became Walt Disney World in 1971. Additions to the parks have been ongoing ever since, giving Orlando its popular status as the Theme Park capital of the world - even though the park itself is over 20 miles away, the city has since built many hotels to accommodate the overspill.

The city of Orlando received over 57 million visitors from around the world in 2012, some of whom also visited one of the many business events and exhibitions which the city is also known for running. Orlando is also something of a focal point for the entertainment and production industries, in particular their focus on cutting-edge technology and software. A lot of US Army and Navy simulation software is developed in the region, allowing it close military connections, along with its proximity to several military bases to which residents can easily commute.

Theme park addicts have so much choice on a visit to Orlando; visit one of the many Walt Disney resorts in Orlando, or check out Universal Studios to experience the most exciting rides based on some of the biggest movies releases of the past 20 years.

Orlando is also home to some of the country's top golf courses, with Bay Hill Club and Lodge one of the courses played by the pros every year on the PGA Tour; previous winners include Tiger Woods, Ernie Els and Vijay Singh.

Other sports showcased in Orlando include basketball, where you can take a trip to the Amway Center to see the NBA's Orlando Magic strutting their stuff against the other elite teams.