London & South East England weather

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Flood warnings in force for England

London & South East England weather forecast


Cold and cloudy with patchy rain, mainly across northern parts.


Cloudy with patchy rain moving northwards across the region, mainly affecting northern and western parts during the day. Best chance of any drier, brighter spells in the far south. Light southeasterly winds. Maximum temperature 5 °C.


Remaining cloudy this evening and overnight with further outbreaks of patchy rain, mainly in the north and east. Skies may clear in the west of the region towards dawn. Cold. Minimum temperature 2 °C.


Cloudy but mostly dry during Sunday, with some short-lived bright spells possible during the morning. Winds staying light but becoming fresh along the south coast. Feeling rather cold. Maximum temperature 6 °C.

Outlook for Monday to Wednesday:

Cloudy and mostly dry through the period with a chance of bright or sunny spells, especially Tuesday and Wednesday. Cold initially, milder Wednesday. Breezy at times, particularly for coastal areas.


UK long range weather forecast

Turning unsettled at the start of this period with Atlantic frontal systems spreading across the UK from the west. These will bring periods of rain to much of the UK, although the heaviest rainfall will probably be in western areas. Some eastern areas could end up largely dry. Strong winds are also likely at times, especially along coasts. Through the second half of this period, toward the end of February, periods of unsettled weather are expected at times, with Atlantic weather systems continuing to move eastwards across the UK - these could bring heavy rain and strong winds at times. Some drier, brighter periods with showers are likely between systems. Temperatures will most likely be above average.


Unsettled during early March with Atlantic frontal systems spreading across the UK from the west. These will bring spells of rain and strong winds at times, interspersed by some drier, brighter periods between systems. Into the middle of the month, drier, more settled conditions will probably become more prevalent, especially in the south. Temperatures are most likely to be above average.


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